Sunday, March 22, 2009

*NEW* Product Pricing "Round 1": Male Tops

Browsing through my catalog, I noticed hella inconsistancy in pricing for both male and female products. I do try and be fair with my pricing and, in general, I only make 185cr - 210cr per sale of anything. That means even though you may shelf out 615cr for my new tee, I only get 200cr. I am far from ripping people off.

But, for a more professional feel, I plan to roll out new pricing guidelines for my products. The plan is every weekend from now on, I work on one area of things (Male Tops, Male Shoes, Female Outfits, etc.) and post the new prices in my weekly IMVU update.

This weekend's will go through the week because I just now thought of this idea. When I go through all catagories, I will simply stick to those prices on new products. In general you will be saving credits vs. my old pricing.

Here is the plan for Male Tops:

- New Tees Der. from DesireSucker Mesh = 615cr.
- Short-Sleeve Tees Der. from sanejack Mesh = 675cr.
- Long-Sleeve Tees Der. from sanejack Mesh = 700cr.
- V-Neck Tees Der. from sanejack Mesh = 685cr.
- Jackets (1 Piece) = 825cr. max
- Jackets (SJ Tee + SJ Vest) = 2225cr.
- Baggy Hoody Der. from IMVU Mesh = 575cr.
- Baggy Tee Der. from IMVU Mesh = 545cr.

If/When I find more types of Male Tops in my catalog that do not fit under neither catagory, I will update. Give me till the next weekend to update all products in said catagory (though it should take less than an hour or two)

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