Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Art of "Passing".

Yo. I just wanted to quickly make a post dedicated to this before I do another one on whats been up with me.

I just want to let everyone know, so there is no confusion, I do not go to peoples' pages who come by and essentially just say "passing" or some variation of that. I am always happy to hear from anyone and everyone that comes by. I am not a person that browses home pages. I only go to pages when I need to leave a message, that is it. Even then, I usually just click "Reply". So, when someone comes by and tells me they are passing by, that is cool with me. I like that compared to the numerous "silent visits". I just want people to know, I can see that you were passing regaurdless of whether you said so or not. Meaning, if you say that, I am not going to go by your page and I am not going to respond. I am not interested in other peoples pages in general, so I do not find the urge to browse pages or track who silently visits my page by hunting them down.

Like it says on my page, if I notice the same person coming by consistently without ever leaving a message, I block them. Does it make me mad? No. Curious? slightly. But, rather than sitting here wasting my time wondering why the said person keeps coming back... I block them. Ends all of that :P

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