Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Copy & Paste vs. Scratch.

Yo. Something must be in the water...

More and more I am going through groups and dudes are bragging about "Not copy and pasted", "Made from scratch", etc. etc. I really have a deep appreciation for people who spend the time and effort and create things from scratch using photo editing programs and using tablets to draw custom designs. Though the "urban" products are usually far from original (making clothing free-handed), it still is something to be appreciated at minimum for the time and effort put into it. I always have liked products that were copy and pasted simply because I have never seen anyone start from scratch and make it look realistic enough for me by including shadows, inconsistent textures, and different lighting accents... That is rare to non-existent in the current IMVU Catalog (at least in the "Urban" end of it). I would not rock paper mache looking clothing in real life, why would I do that online? To each their own, that is just my opinion.

My issue is with these "urban" developers that were on a lot of people's "pole" for the longest and then do something of their own and believe they are the absolute sh*t. A lot of the "urban" developers do things like change their names and hide their old products because they know they created lame sh*t in comparison to their skills now (that they brag entirely too much about). I have been developing for almost 3 years. I have never felt the need to hide my old work, to this day I believe I made dope products with the provided meshes of the time. I also don't do these calculated speeches in groups about how "hip" I am or how great my products are/were. Now, you got either these dudes that have been here for years making homo looking wack looking, kindergarten quality poor quality, lame sh*t (to be very honest) changing their names and then making what is now hip. Before, they was lost in space when it came to fashion (even online fashion), but now all of the sudden they are hipsters and have so much "swag". I think we got enough hipsters breathing air here on earth.

Another category are developers who made the majority of their products using the "copy & paste" method and one day they make something from scratch and they begin to bag on the copy & paste method publicly, which actually comes off as a shot to the same people that were behind their products before. Dudes on here are hella condescending. Acknowledge your roots. Why are you hiding what you made in the past? Then, some go changing their avatar names and making multiple accounts because they know their name is associated with weak sh*t in comparison to what they are doing now. It will always be what it is though.

I have no problem if you learn something new, more power to you. I am referring to people that are not new to IMVU or developing. To those people: Don't loose your f*cking head in the process you simple minded kid. Just as well as I can remember people making lame sh*t, I can remember people riding other dudes d*cks for the longest and constantly either getting others to make their products entirely or have them hold the hand through the whole process. Hell, I have records of dudes riding sack, but now act as if they have been the shit since the beginning of time and no one remotely helped them or supported them. I am referring to a nice sized group of developers.

If I do not know you, odds are I am not referring to you in any way. If you felt something build up inside you, it just might be referring to you, huh? Don't like what I have to say? Go kick a door. No hating here. I just see these same people spawning replicas of them, that kills me.

Remember: You do not need to kiss up to anyone to do well here. If anything, I personally guarantee you that you will feel better at the end of the day knowing that all/any of your progress is due to YOU and only YOU.

Nah dead ass. I don't put up with that bullsh*t. Keep it moving.


  1. I hope yhu knoe yhur a fuqq immatue dumbasz daht cannt talk sh*t, cos yhu jus straight uhp hatin likee a motha fuqqa.

    Don think yhu all hard nd try to findd out who de fuqq I am cos bishh thats gunna be a hard asz search.

    Necxt thime bishh talk shit wehn yhu ainn hatin.

    And have a nice day =)

  2. when you learn to type like you ain't fresh out of preschool, i will look down and care what you think you insignificant fuck.

    take 4 nuts to the face and swallow =)
